

Monday, December 28, 2009

Recipe Share Prim Rib Soup

Today is going to be a fun day! I will be using my new fluffy dusting glove one of my favorite Nieces sent me along with a fabulous tape to get me in a happy mood.  It works I love it.. I Dreamed A Dream by Susan Boyle what an amazin voice she has. Thanks Rob I love my new dust glove and tape. And if you are ever wondering what to do with left over Prim Rib Bones this is what we did with ours.

Prime Rib Soup

6  left over rib bones
10 cups of water
celery hearts chopped
1 onion chopped
2 cups beef auguse left over from the roast or make your own
3 chopped Carrots
6 red Potatoes
1/2 cup Barley
1/2 head or desired amount Broccoli chopped
salt, pepper, oregano if desired I dont measure
left over rib meat taken from the bone and cut up into bite size pieces.

Saute onion, celery, carrots in butter in pan with a little olive oil
 add 2 talb spoons of flour make a rue by adding liquid
Cook bones and all liquid along with the celery, onion and carotts for about two house add  remove meat cut to serving pieces add cut up veggies along with the barley cook until potatoes are tender if needed for thickening make a rue with soup broth and corn starch adjust seasoning to desired taste.

 like I have said in the past.

Hugs From Me


  1. oh boy - this is so cute and the fluffy matches your blog background - the soup looks absolutely delicious - I'll pretend I'm indulging - TFS - love you xo

  2. Thanks now I have to learn how to spell Bill says you for got the e and thats not spelled right LOL but thats me and my spell check on my blogg has a line running thru it so everytime you want to use it it just puts a line thru the word. OPH well who cares any way. got to get back to my dusting just taking a computer break LOL
