

Friday, January 1, 2010

Cold Here Today _ Cole Slaw Recipe

Good Morning
 Cold here today
 0 as in zero
I will be taking down our Christmas Tree's today a good time to do it when everything is closed and who wants to go out any way!!
 We traditionally have Ribs on New Years Day.
HUMMM I think I will take some out of the freezer that sounds good to me. That tradition started back when my sister used to have us over for NYD years ago, we liked that and just started making our own tradition having B Q Ribs, French Fries and
 Cole Slaw. 
Happy, Healthy, Safe 2010 Peace on Earth!

Cole Slaw

1 head of grated cabbage
2 carrots grated
1 cup Mayonnaise
2 table spoon sugar
2 talb spoon of red wine vinegar
2 Talb spoon Koops mustard
Combine all  mixing well
 Toss with cabbage and grated carrot
add more mayonnaise if desired
let marinade for an hour
Hugs From Me


  1. When you are done with those Trees you want to come here and do mine lol . No I did not think you would but have a Good new Year

  2. Your right No!! LOL Iam limping around here now trying to lift the containers and organize them.Steve came over and really helped a lot he did a lot of the heavy lifting. Thank G for Steve.
