

Sunday, November 7, 2010

OMG what a day..

We went grocery shopping, besides doing laundry also cleaning up the back yard getting it ready for winter. It takes a few times out their to get it all done at least the way I want it for the winter. most of the leaves are down and of course I had to rake there are a lot of trees out here.
 I rake because  I cant see  the dog crap  I don't want to step in it so if you don't rake it gets buried under the leaves .. One of the joys of having two dogs. I know you wanted to know that.. Another reason I just don't like it looking messy that's comes with being a "sort of  fanatic.."

Next Day!
I didn't finish my Blog yesterday.
So I'll try to finish today.
I just went around the house changing all the clocks.
 I didn't  realize how many until Spring and Fall comes around..
I still have a couple more to do I must be crazy so many clocks its nuts..
I think I counted 18 and that's not counting the ones on my cell phone, TVs and computers..
I have no excuse for being late to anything. LOL

Hope YOU remembered..

Its kind of cool out this morning 33 and windy, the wind is what I hate.
It goes right through you. The bird baths must be frozen the birds are trying to get a drink I guess Ill search the garage for the heater so it wont freeze up when it gets cold out.

I made another apple pie yesterday I cant believe it.
 I was never one to make apple pie it was always cherry with crumb topping now I like them.
We had 12 granny smith and I used all of them.
As a mater of fact I haven't baked much of anything over the past few years.
Bill did all the cooking now I'm getting back into it slowly,
 now that my sister and I don't have the Internet group, and I dropped out of Internet groups.
 Its so much more relaxing instead of being a slave to a group. What a relief..
And it also helps Bill out he doesn't have to be doing it all by his self.
When I make the pie's

I always use my old recipe from my mother
Its in my recipes on the side, Ma's Apple Slices..
What a great recipe but I cheat I buy frozen pie crust, Its their NOT bad..
I just heard the Blue Jay screaming out their.
 I better take them some peanuts yesterday it was almost empty. 
We enjoy watching the birds swoop down and grab and run with the peanuts.

That's all for today we have to get ready for church don't want to be late..
Here are a couple of pictures I took yesterday.

The water is frozen
Looking out the Kitchen Window.
Finch nest in the bushes
My Hydrangeas from our bush I dried and put in a basket.

Like I always say Im not perfect
If you see mistakes OH Well.

Hugs From Me


  1. Oh that pie looks so good, yummy cut it and show us a piece on a plate. I love those flowers, yes it is nice I still do one or two on the net but it is easy and I do not know how long that will last.

  2. <3 the photos. Save a piece of pie for me! Julie and I are going to TRY to stop by this week some time after I get off work. Maybe tuesday???

  3. 18 clocks and counting - thanks for my chuckle for the day :) take it easy now for awhile xo

  4. Great blog as always Diane - photos are terrific and that pie looks wonderful. Love and hugs,
    Linda. xx

  5. Thank you all for the nice compliments and making me feel special..:)
