

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tree # 2 & Jessica's Cranberry Relish

Cold this morning 24. I cant believe Southern California where we have family.
their temperature  is the same as us this morning.
 Of course they will get a lot warmer during the day than us in the Mid West.
I know you want the weather report from me.. :)

Pretty isn't it I wish I could preserve it.
My Grand Daughter Brittney brought it for our Thanksgiving center piece.

Steve and Liz brought in my tree from the garage befor they left thanksgiving so I could get started on my tree. I started yesterday so far I only put it together and put lights on. Today I will decorate it.
I love Christmas Trees their a lot of work but they make me happy.
That's the box of ornaments sitting next to the tree waiting to be put on.

I thought I would share a tip I found this morning.
 I will definitely go out and buy them today.
 I love them and haven't had them for a long time.

Sharing a Recipe of one of my Great Nieces
 Its especially good around the holidays when we are eating fresh cranberries.

Cranberry Relish:

1bag fresh cranberries,
1 whole orange-cut into chunks(with the peel on)
1/2 cup sugar.
In food processor grind cranberries.
Add orange chunks & grind again.
 Remove mixture to bowl and add sugar.
Let sit, add more sugar if needed.
 Refrigerate. Tastes best if made 24 hours in advance.
Thanks for looking have to get busy got work to do..

If you find mistakes Im not perfect but I try.
Hugs From Me
Diane Louise


  1. Steve will love your centerpiece - I'll make sure he reads your blog. Thanks for the recipe share - I made cranberries with tangerines (Margarita loves them!) Have fun with your tree - look forward to seeing them soon. Stay warm.

  2. Oh I am going to try that one with the cranberries since I do love them, the flowers are beautiful and I love how you do your trees

  3. It sounds good. arent cranberries tart I bet their pretty with the sugar coating. Bill cant eat cranberries so maby you try them and let me know.:)
