

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After

We had a wonderful Thanks giving so much food it was crazy!!
Thanks to all our family for helping prepare food to bring over it was so appreciated and delicious. Also to the Sebans for the beautiful plant! so pretty I love it.. We also celebrated  Sara jeans,  my oldest sister and Brent who is my Grand daughters husband. birthdays as well.

Sara, Freda and Trish

Brent and Julie

Today we are planning what to do with some of the left over turkey. I definitely know I will make my very favorite turkey sandwich, a must have and of course turkey a la king on toast one of my very favorites.. YUMMM
I took a few pictures not to many they hate it when I get the camera out LOL.
 Oh well to bad guys its me the camera nut..
 Some day down the road they may enjoy all the pictures I took..
 I feel sorry for the ones who had to work very early on Black Friday like Cindy at 4 am and Liz also at 4 am.  two of my Granddaughters did the Black Friday shopping they left at 11 pm to get in line with all the rest of the shoppers and it was 18 degrees out during the night but it sounds like they might have been in the Mall where it was warm.

Bill and I  the hard working Chefs

Freda, Megan and Cindy

Brittney and her Dad Bill
Megan and Brent

Steve and Liz

Our special girl helping get the paper plates out for the birthday celebration.
 She has become one of our little helpers.

Everyone looks so great!
 Thank you all for all your hard work and your help.

Here's the beautiful plant I talked about

Thats all for today I have a lot of work waiting for me to do.
Enjoy your Day!


  1. I am happy you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Nice photos

  2. I agree - they complain when we click, but someday they'll be glad we did - until then...thanks for sharing - I enjoy these good times even more so with you all ;)

  3. Thank you I hope all went well at your house.
