

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hi I'm back!!
 I finally got a new hard drive mine was really giving me problems so noisy I could hardly stand it so now I am trying to get all set up with the new one and its a triple head ache that's all I have to say about that HELP!! I'll get it just that i had everything set up on the Vista just the way I liked it now this one has windows 7 and I love incredimail and it wont let me finish down lading it so  I am taking a break before I go crazy LOL. My neighbor is having  a 40Th birthday celebration and it looks like they are going all out with the celebrating he went around warning the neighbors about what was happening and so far it looks pretty cool.

I hope you like the couple of photo shares for today I might talk a walk out there tonight and snap a few we were invited but I doubt if we will go we hardly know them.
Thanks for looking have a great day what is left of it I have to get back to setting up my computer.
Thanks Aletha for helping me out.

Thanks For Looking


  1. according to wayne-o: once you get windows 7 on line, you will love it - far superior to vista and will be around a long time - enjoy - our comcast services were down all day due to a fiber cut - no phone, internet, tv - reminded me not to get too attached to technology (too late) LOL xo

  2. I do like it! but I had so much I accumulated over the years on the other hard drive. I changed passwords so many times and some times would forget to write them down.BRAIN CRAMP or distracted. I am still installing things in between everything else. I am amazed how much I had no wonder it made so much noise LOL.. I just might jump out the basement window. LOL
