

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th Weekend! Congratulations Steve & Liz.

Congratulations to Steve and Liz on there engagnment.
We knew it would happen just didnt know when..
So Happy for you Both..

Ive been busy just trying to keep up with the outside watering,
pulling weeds and all the joys of Summer in our little world.
Im not complaining I wait all winter for Summer my favorite time.
This past week we took a ride to the old neighborhood to have lunch at an old favorite restaurant, we try to do that at least once or twice a year.
We drove by the old house and we were happy to see John who happened to be in town visiting his mother. We were neighbors with his mom for 43 years befor we moved. She was pregnant with John when they moved next door to us back then.

John and Cindy holding a picture of them when they were about 3, taken by Bill and made in his dark room. One of Bills many hobbies over the years. John believe it or not was very shy a thing he over came. :)

Here are a couple of other pictures taken of the old neighborhood
 It sure has changed.

That's the old house I cant believe the way the newer owners let it go so sad..
Weeds all over the place. Really trashy looking.
I feel sorry for the neighbors they all seem to keep up there property.

Three BBQs in the little back yard, Only in the City so funny...

I love this tree but turned out to be way to big for a little city yard.
We planted that tree when Cindy and Bill got married over 25 years ago.

Looking down the block.

Looking down the alley.
I sure dont miss this neighborhood

Here are some photos of favorite restaurants in our old neighborhood.

Great Mexican Food

Our all time favorite bakery there are many in our old neighborhood.

Not a fancy place and you have to eat out side, but the best shrimp house in our old neighborhood.
 The Best..

Talk about garbage looks like they missed this house..

Sorry got side tracked..

Kids walking home from Summer School

The Church and School on the next block from where we used to live.

A pot of weeds out side the Korner Shrimp House, They must be to busy to plant flowers.

This one is for Cindy, one of her favorite old time favorites while waiting for the bus..

This is Cindy and Bills old house in the old neighborhood. Looks a lot different..

The Church where Cindy and Bill married over 25 years ago..
Of course in the old neighborhood.

 That's all of the Photo Share for today.
Thanks For Looking..


  1. Thanks for taking us on a tour of your old neighbourhood Diane - it is always interesting to see photographs of different places.

    Love and hugs,

  2. And a very Happy Birthday! Linda tells me we share a birth date and I do love to share!
    Eat cake and love the grandkids.
