

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What happened to the Sun today! I dont see you.. Looks to me like its still hiding.
 OK here it comes.. HURRAH!!

 Some encouriging news Bill is starting to walk with the help of the walker. I know you think no kidding, but its really exciting to finally see that he has come that far it took a long time to finally get there and I know it makes him feel good about it as well. He did have a little set back he got the shingles so he was confined to his room for a week they are finally letting him go out into the dinning room and exercises room with the other people. He has been their five weeks now and eight weeks in the hospital so its been a long haul something we are not used to. We do talk on the cell phone when it will let us the signal out there is really bad dont have a clue why. and we also skype when we can get through. another dont know why there is so much trouble getting through I have no trouble doing either with any one else. OH well that's the way it goes move on to other happier moments.
I know it all has to do with getting blood and platelet's on Friday that always helps to give him stamina.

I want to thank my two wonderful church friends this week,my friend  Dorothy picked me up and we drove out to see Bill that was short lived because one of the therapist came and got him to go to the exercise room. I went with and Dorothy went around visiting friends she knew at the place so it wasn't a complete loss for her. On the way home we stopped for ice cream  thanks for the giftie very much appreciated. When ever I use it I will always remember what great friends I have who are so caring at my Church.

I also want to thank another Church friend Ann for bring me a container of soup it really came in handy and so delicious. I had a really busy day yesterday after visiting Bill and grocery shopping I was exhausted so I heated it up, what a delight to have it there all ready for me and not having to wonder what can I make for dinner, thanks so much for your awesome soup throughly enjoyable..

 I also made cup cakes yesterday I sure dont need them so I will bring them over to the neighbors. and fatten them up. I made them from  a box cake mix, caramel apple coffee cake, my neighbor always brings me home made fudge. I freeze it because I cant always eat it all at once and I dont want to throw it away.  I took out  a couple of squares 5 or 6 and slightly melted them in the microwave and frosted the cup cakes with it (so delicious)..

Here are a couple of photos I took today and wanted to share hope you like them.
That's my Box Wood
 I had them in the garage all winter.
 I put them out to get a little fresh air of course if it gets to cold I will move them back in to protect them. there not used to the harsh weather just yet,
 being pampered in the garage all winter.
 I have two of them the other one is on the other side of the garage door.
Miss Foxie hiding peanuts in the side yard.
Tulips I planted last fall in the front landscaping cant wait to see what they look like.
I planted three  groupings this is one of the groupings.
Abbie she loves her window she sits there until I pull up the shade..

Mr and Mrs Dove checking out the scene.

That's all for today I have to get busy I have a lot going on today.


  1. Nice Blog Diane, yes I am excited about the spring flowers coming up.

  2. I can hear the upbeat feeling in your words - things are getting better all the time - enjoy the warmth and look forward to seeing you soon xo

  3. Hurray! I'm your 13,000th visitor! :P
