

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope you had a beautiful Easter, we celebrated our Family Easter Saturday. It was so much fun we did miss some of our family because they had to work. but all in all we had a great time.

 Julie hunted for Easter eggs and we really enjoy the day.
 I went to pick up Bill and brought him back home so that was extra special that he was well enough to do that.
 Today he wants to come home again to spend the day so I will go out there and pick him up again so happy about that..

I made,Baked ham, Baked Potato Salad and Baked Beans but they wanted Pizza for our Easter Saturday. It wasn't as good as usual, dont have a clue why but that's the way it goes. Of course no comparison to what I made! but I  went along with what the family and there choice of food for the day. They did bring home some ham and potato salad so I'm sure they will enjoy it, the ones who eat it. Bill and I had the Ham, Potato salad and Baked beans for our dinner today so all in all it wasent a waist and we have never not had Ham for Easter..

The church lot is filling up I will miss Easter service today because its more important for me to get ready to go and pick up Bill and bring him home for the day. by the time I get back services will be over.
 It was a quiet day and that's OK. First I stopped and bought a few plants on the way home to plant tomorrow.

Below is a picture of a tulip I planted last fall also a beautiful yellow bunch of tulips, they are finally opening up its so exciting .

Guess what else was out there when I was taking a picture of my tulips
Baby Bunny

That's all from me for today!

Happy Easter


  1. Lovely Diane - and your Easter sounds wonderful with the added blessing of having Bill home for the days. His photo shows him looking better than he has before and that pleases me.

    I was interested in the first picture of your Church with the cross and what I assume are the grave cloths. It was very interesting.

    I am sure Julie had a wonderful time and it is that way for so many people - we celebrated on Thursday evening because it was just too hard to get everyone together on any other day.

    Love and hugs,

  2. Oh the Parrot Tulip looks so pretty in yellow, so happy that Bill wants to come home and he is looking really good, watch the Bunnie that the hawk does not get it,
