I was busy yesterday
I finally pulled out what was left of the tomato plants they were looking pretty sad
their was only a few tomatoes left and they were starting to turn.
I figured it was time to get it done be for it gets to cold.
Besides the pick up is today also,
be for I have to do all the raking up of leaves from the willow tree.
That's whats left of 22 tomato plants.
The green is garlic coming up..
Looks different doesn't it
that's a lonely Harbin pepper plant
chives, garlic and lemon balm left.
Its getting near the end of the growing season, so sad to see it go.
Just a few more weeks left be for the frost does its damage.
Sharing a couple more photos taken this morning of my glorious plants.
My Beautiful White Mum.
they come up every year.
I have them all over the place they are all so beautiful.

My Hydrangea's
See the dark clump that a squirrel's nest and their are Babies in their.
I just seen the mother taking one Thur the fence out of the yard.
Of course I didn't have my camera handy.
Swede left the bus for a minute.
He probably seen something on the grass.
He takes care of all the property out their
it always looks so beautiful
like a big park he does a great job.
Thats all for today I have a few projects to do.
Hope your day is filled with Lots of Sun Shine.
Thanks For Looking
Diane Louise
your hydrangeas and mums are gorgeous - still love the willow :)