

Sunday, August 29, 2010

whimsical nostalgia

Today is going to be my whimsical nostalgia post something I just dreamt up.
I hope you enjoy it, a few pictures and what and who they are from.

 Now to go around and take a few photos.

I'm back.
I even cleaned up this special tea pot.

The copper tea pot was given to us by Bills Grand Parents.
The first year after we got married we went to visit them.
49 years ago.
 I use it ALL the time!
 When I make tea and Iced Tea
We drink Ice Tea all year round.
  Its been Thur a lot and still hanging in their.
Of course I shined it up for the picture.

The grand plate in the middle was from my very favorite Aunt Rose.
 She gave it to me with a few other treasures when she moved from Riverside to Pennsylvania.
Over 70 years ago.

These two little special trinkets are from my Mom.
Because I was her oldest child and she thought I should get them.
 They were made by my Grand Father at a glass factory where he worked before he bought the Trucking Company.
Its the only thing we have from our Grand Parents and its very special.
You cant see it but on the one on the left engraved in gold are T B R R
meaning Tom, Bill, Reese Riley his three sons.
On the other to the right engraved in gold is Jenny 1903
Jenny was his wife and the year he made it..

This special plate it also has a brass holder!
Was a gift my Mother brought back to me.
 when she visited her sister for the last time.
One of the relations in Pennsylvania was having a demonstration and they went.
Her younger sister was dying of cancer
  The three sisters were together for the last time.

This pink champagne glass is from my Mom
 it was her mothers.
 I have four of them and they are very special to me
It is the only thing I have that was my grand mothers.

This little trinket is so special to Bill
He and his only sister saved up their money when they were little kids
Its the first gift they bought their mother.
It looks a little foggy in the picture but its not.
 Its like new ma by a few scratches its very old.

This special sugar dish is from my Mother in law
I always admired it and she gave it to me one day.
I treasure it always.

The last one for today

The white red trimmed doilies were made by my Mother
 she had them on her tables in her living room.
They went with her red and black carpet they looked so amazing .
She loved her little apartment in our house and kept it spotless at all times.

Just hunted down another very special gift given to me.
 By Bills Grand Mother Beulah a very special lady.
We loved her dearly one of the very sweetest of all.
This tapestry was given to her by her Son Bob
 when he was in World War 2
A very special treasure.

That's all for today more trinkets another day.
Thanks for looking I hope you enjoyed your visit.

Hugs From Me

Diane Louise


  1. what a perfect blog! many special treasures capturing memories - tfs xo

  2. Thank you so much Ladies. It was fun to do.
