

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Made Pasta Sauce recipe

 Here's hoping you  have a great day.

Another Blog you wont see a lot of recipes from me!!
 If you read anything before I am not the cook around here Bill is..
He used to like it now I think he not so crazy about it any more either!! 
That's what happens when you have been cooking for ever.
 We had a busy weekend the girls came over
 boring isn't it that's what we do a lot we hang out here that's OK with me.
Next week they will only be around about once or twice a week.
We did venture out to the Mall!
Julie got two bathing suits Megan wants to sign her up for swim again this year.
 That will be cool since Cindy has a pool and it gives her something to look forward to after school.
Today we went to church and out to breakfast with our friends to Cracker Barrel its only the third time in a week we went their.
But we like it.

A Recipe Share From Me

 I made this recipe yesterday
 We really liked it a lot!

 Almost everything came out of the garden a real rare treat for us.

Home Made Pasta Sauce

 (We were trying to use the tomatoes  up so I thought why not sauce.
 last week we made salsa and it was a big hit)

4 Cups Home Grown                  (Tomatoes seeded and skins removed)
1 bunch chives  or  1/2 cup                     (from the garden cut up small)
2 cloves garlic minced            (home grown first time for that)
1 large can tomato sauce
1 large can crushed tomatoes
3 Lbs Ground Beef                (browned  remove all grease)
1lb Italian Sausage                 (Browned casing removed and all grease)
1 Talb Basil
1 Talb Oregano

Combine all of the above and simmer for 2 hours.
Serve with desired pasta.
Dust with asiago parmesan cheese

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