Good Morning From Me
I must make this fast I want to work on my Christmas wreath check out the lights and all that fun stuff. Sooo Bill can put it up. I always decorate befor ThanksGiving when the weather isnt so darn cold and today is going to be a fairly good weather day. It always takes longer to put out the decorations than take them down. So the weather is a big factor living here in the Mid West, although we have milder weather here than when we lived in Chicago we dont get all that Lake effect out here and thats a good thing although I loved living in Chicago. And when we first moved I missed all those big snow storms LOL crazy me.. Last night we went to our youngest Grand Daughters play Mother Courage at the collage she attends it was wonderful and of course!! she was fantastic and looked so darn adorable.. Naturally!!!I was very proud of her and so happy we were all able to go to see it. We cant wait until next week when we attend her other one. Fun Fun .. My Photo of the day was made by my Great Nephew Steve and I just had to show it off thanks Steve if you read this it looks great on Uncle Bills wall in his computer/TV/ Music room where he spends all his time, He lives in that room. LOL He comes out in the evening to make dinner because thats what he enjoys Cooking and goes right back until 7 or 8 to watch TV with me LOL thats what a long marrage is all about visiting each other in the evening LOL just me being silly but actually thats about how it is..
Enjoy your day!
Have a great one!
Keep the Faith!
I love those saying they have always been one of my favorites..
It must go back to my hippy day dippy days.
Hugs Me.
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