I know its not even Thanksgiving.
I will no doubt be adding more lights and decorations.
Their not all out yet..
Iam Back!!
YUCKY Day today.
I have been busy fighting computer issues all weekend a file was hiding out in my parent group in my Dianes Indes and blocking access to it, so I was going crazy trying to find the little bugger. If you know anything about me and my work I have lots and lots of files and I had to search everyone looking for something unusual in them not even knowing what to look for. OH MY it was upsetting to say the least. Finally Aletha found it and deleted it thanks Aletha a life saver I know you read this so thanks again.!
Bill is going to the Dr. today about his test so heres wishing him well.
I have to stay away from anykind of stress as my blood preasure is off the wall so I will be quiet for a while until its back to normal. I dont want a stroke as many of my family members have had them. Sharing a picture taken last week of our lights in front, we cut down tremendisly this is enough for 2 old people a little is just fine. I know its early but we had to do it while we were having mild weather, because it takes longer to put out than take down. We also put out back but havent taken a photo of that yet maby tonight. Have a good day have to go vacume one of my un favorite things LOL.
I love this quote and to me its something I try to live by.
Be kind! for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Have a great day