A Little something I made..
Today started out like most other days going out to the rose arbor to clean up used bird seed and add fresh to the feeders.. I spent some of the time in the morning putting away the outside ornaments. Soon I will be cleaning up all the flowers from the summer. I did most, but delaying certain areas hate to see it all end and then into yuck winter... We went to our Nephew Brien and Marias house for a BBQ Sunday it was to cold to sit out so it wasent like we didnt try we did. LOL But their is no way Iam going to sit out their and freeze so I went in they all fallowed just to darn cold.. They have a lovely lovely house and they are very lucky. To have so much althought they dated 7 years befor getting married. I thing they were in High School when it all started for them. They had such a wonderful array of different dips, salads, meats they really went all out.. I didnt count but their were tons of deserts. So very nice we really enjoyed our visit. We of course got lost we were riding around in the wrong sub devision and couldent get out LOL will almost couldent. Cindy had to come to Honda dealer where Brent works and we followed her. The last time we went their it was dark and fallowed Dennis. LOL were bad.. My oldest sister Dorothy is in the hospital with Phenumonia I called and she answered the phone to my surprise she can talk on the phone but when you talk to her in person she has trouble she cant hardly talk at all. She had a stroke and she had to learn to talk all over. I plan on going up to visit her tomorrow.. Thats all from me have to go relax its been a busy day..and Iam ready to chill..
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