The day is finally here we have been hearing about it for a month..
Its Saturday and our Trick or Treaters cant go out until 5 tonight thats the set time here for them 5 to 7. It dosent make sence on a Saturday!! Oh well Iam not the one who is going so why do I care any way.. Although Its a long wait for the kids.. I think this is the first year the Grand kids and Great wont be here helping with the trick or treaters. They are all grown up and moved on to other things. We'll manage, Bill can hand out the candy LOL. I have to keep the dogs away from the door or they go crazy if any one comes near the house.. Our watch dogs.!!
The weather is going to be cool in the high 40s! at least not rain like we have been having for the past 2 days..I dont know what our plans are yet! we will probably do something I am all caught up on my computer group assignments so we will go some where. I took a picture of my neighbors contrubution to Halloween its so cute they have a turkey at thanksgiving, I love it! last year they had a giant pumpkin out their it was so cool.
Have a great day be safe and enjoy..
CHOW From Me
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