Looking Up Our Willow Tree. Brown clump to the right is nest.

My Pixel Cat..
Good Morning from ME, its a beautyful morning! no fog this morning. Maby its because I didnt get out of bed at the crack of dawn. lol today. I am going to be busy doing my crafts on the computer as we all know I love to pixel art and I really should add some of my newer things that I made to my web page. Oh and of course visit my F.B Buddies thats fun I am enjoying that. Iam really getting behind with the web page.. Cindy, Megan, Julie and not sure about Brittney she usually works on Saturday and comes over after, are all coming over later. I made some spaghetti for Megan to take home (she likes my spaghetti)! Me too.. LOL Cindy cant eat it (tomatoes) she isnt suppost to eat tomatoes. What a bummer that is.. here is my latest pixel painting and a unique at least to me a look up my willow tree their is a squirels nest up their. We have a squirel feeder my grand son put on the tree so its always a favorite place for them to be. OK I know I jump around when typing a message thats just me LOL Gotta go turn off the sprinkler in front I was finishing up from yesterday it got dark so I turned it off. We dont have a sprinkler system at this house so I have to do it my self and its a good thing actually I get exercise.. Taking care of it and draging hoses around! good for keeping up the strength in my arms. OH one last thing Iam not the perfect speller and Iam still learning the Blogger and dont think they have a spell check so sorry about that.. I will try to do better.
CHOW from Me
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