Isnt that a beautiful picture, I found on the internet, of course I will be using it as a desk top some time down the line. Fall is such a beautiful time of year one of my favorites only the colors not the cold wet weather that comes with it. Today we went to Orland to eat lunch we stopped at the Patio one of Bills favorites, its ok but I prefer Portilos. I just can figure HOW we have been Married for 48 years we are total opposits we dont like any thing the same LOL. OH its the challenge I guess.. LOL We stopped by Alethas she finally came out of the house I think maby she didnt know we were their. We wanted to check the construction going on behind her house. I wish I would have brought my camera they are building a hugh Banquet Hall it looks very impressive and next to that a 8 unit Strip Mall all matching brick and design its really going to Inhance the view behind her house, The back of all this faces her house although she didnt have anything back their for the 30 some years except a field full of weeds. It will take some getting used to I think they are going to like it. I Think!!! LOL It was nice to get away for a few hours refreshing we also stopped at the creamery on the way back and sat on some benches and ate Ice crean its a new place in Orland around 159th & Wolf. So I ate my quota for today LOL
Then I came home and trimmed the willow a bit other wise it looks crappy.. It always looks better after I do that. I have it now so I just stand on the ground and trim all around I dont have to get up on a ladder anymore.
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