

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I just want to do a fast post my sister Aletha had  major spine surgery today and Im not up to really sending out a happy post until I know more about her recovery.

The Alan Jackson song is for Aletha!

 We went to his concerts together, went line dancing together, listened to it blasting at work together.  She Love's country music probably more than me.
 And loves to dance to it.
We even owned an internet group for a few years together
 along with a few friends.
Until you dance again Aletha and you will be strong you will be fine.
Keep The Faith!!
 I got the call from my brother in law Dennis they removed the cyst the surgery is over and she should pull Thur.
 Lets all say prayers for a speedy full recovery.

Yes Aletha is my Sister and  best friend
We have been best friends for ever.

Thanks for looking
Hugs From Me
Diane Louise


  1. Hi there Diane, Looking forward to hearing some good news about Aletha - please give her my love and prayers. Love and hugs, Linda.

  2. Thank you Linda I will definately pass this on to Aletha.

  3. the hardest part is over - now on to her healing and being pain free - praying hard xo

  4. now for a rapid recovery - you are both strong women and with each other can move mountains xo
