Good Morning Some Sad News This Morning!
Me , Detty, Kenny, Dorothy, Tom , Aletha, Ma
Dorothy, Me, SaraJean, Tom, Aletha
Family Picnic
Granda Ma, Ma, Dad, Dorothy, Sarajean, Aunt Millie, Me as a baby
Ralph neighbor, Me, Uncle Ed, Dorothy, Our GrandMa
My nephew called me this morning to let us know our Oldest Sister Dorothy passed.
This is so wierd
I have been making a web page of my Vegas and California Vacations. I started yesterday and Bill brought me 4 cds with pictures and the first one I put into the tower had all these photos of Dorothy and Me when we were very young.
I just cant get over it its amazing.
Dorothy has had a long journey with Illness and she is with her beloved maker. Dorothy was a very religious Lady she loved her God, she is in God's arms now, I know it. Dorothy was my oldest Sister and we were very close and really became closer the last 30 or more years we talked all the time. After her Vince her beloved husband passed, she would make trips over to visit and her visits would be weeks and days and Ma and I really enjoyed them. We would go to lunches together walking the neighbor hood and malls together. for exercise. We would also make trips out to her house where we would chit chat and make giardiniera together and can peaches and tomatoes together we had a special connection she always thought of me as her little darling girl as she would tell me, although I wasent the youngest of the family it always made me feel special. After we moved out to our present address she was thrilled it was close to where she lived with her Son and his family. And I felt good about it because she was out here as well. She would come over a couple of times a week and we would go to Church together every Sunday un til she had her major stroke three years ago Christmas Eve. We waited for her to come over Christmas Day we waited and couldent understand what happened finally we got the call that she had a stroke and was in the hospital. That was over three years ago and we made the many trips to visit her in the hospital then the nursing home and then to her last address a nursing home near my house. I would go visit as often as I could and decorate her room clean out her drawers and closet, organize them LOL that was me.
Her one drawer would be full of twinkies I would say OMG look at all those twinkies and she would laugh wanting me to have one, I just left them they were for her to share with her visitors. When I was doing all that she would sit their and laugh she knew how I was. Everytime I went to visit I would always ask are you ok and are the people being good to you and she would say yes and I felt good about that. Dorothy was the one who would always take care of people it was hard to see her being taken care of it would make me so sad.
Iam happy for her now she has suffered long enough.
We had that special connection Sisters have, at one time we even had the very same curtains in our kitchens not knowing the other had them.
Green Check
Rest In Peace my beloved Sister Dorothy I love you and will miss you.
SaraJean, Dorothy and I

A little bird came and sat on the banaster out side my window looking in this morning right around the time I got the call from Tim. How ironic she was looking in and by the time I hunted down my camera she had turned around, she waited for me so I could take her final picture befor she took off.
Thats Dorothy and her Vince on the left.
Rest In Peace Vince, Dorothy and Ma
We all Miss and Love You.
this is a beautiful tribute - your words touch my heart - now you have an angel watching over you - our deepest sympathy to you and your entire family - God Bless You All xo
ReplyDeleteYes you were close and that is nice. I use to be but when she moved so far away from me it was harder for me to see her. She will be surley missed her laugh and how her and I would get so lound when we were excited and I was what she called me tha baby, that has a special meaning to me. Love you Dorothy.
ReplyDeleteYes Aletha you and Dorothy were a lot alike the party girls!! remember when Ma broke her hip and you and Dorothy slep over night for a week in my extra bed room and complained for days about my mattress LOL so we went out and finally bought a new one.
ReplyDeleteThank You Rob.