Our Oldest Sisters Funeral!

Today is the day of the Funeral for Dorothy my oldest Sister and it is snowing. It sort of reminds me of when our Dad died; he died Feb 25th now if that isn't odd. His oldest Daughter also died on February 20th, almost to the day he did. Another odd thing about the two of them when Dad was dying and being taken to the hospital in the ambulance his Dorothy was in the hospital with a major heart attack neither one knew of the others situation, actually we didn't tell Dorothy about Dad until six months after he was dead. She was really upset that she didn't know about it because she would call and Ma had to make up excuses why he couldn't come to the phone and why she couldn't come over and visit. Dad. We told her not to be mad everyone was just concerned for her health.
Dad married very young, Dad was only 19 just a baby LOL when he married Minnie. I dont know how old Minnie was at the time. I should ask my Sister SaraJean she would know. Minnie was her Mother. Dad and Minnie divorced after a few years of marriage they had two daughter's together Dorothy and SaraJean. Minnie remarried Harold and they had three children Shirley, MaryAnn and Butch we call him, his real name is Harold after his father and their baby who was adopted out because Minnie died at child birth with her fourth baby to Harold.
After the divorce Dad, Dorothy and SaraJean moved in with Dad's family on Mayfield, there was plenty of people living there or close by to help him take care of his two daughter's. There was Grand Pa, GrandMa, Dorothy and Sara always had fond memories of GrandPa that they would tell me over the years. Leonard, Dad's cousin he was one of the drivers and Patsy his wife, Patsy was the house keeper for GrandMa, she and Leonard lived in the house with them. Befor they moved down and rented the up stairs apartnment in Dad's house. Dad's brothers Bill and Reese were always their along with their wives,The wives were like the secetaries they did their part as well, it was a family affair, Bill and Reese drove truck's and so did Uncle Bud he was one of our Aunt's brother's. Uncle Bill was the main mechanic along with Scotty who also served as gardener, mechainc, truck driver. along with the other family members. Because of GrandPa owning a trucking business there was always plenty of people around to spoil them, and they did.
The Truck Garage was on the same property with the House where they kept some of the trucks that they were working on, if they needed repairs. Some of the trucks were parked out side along side of the big garage. Back then you could do that, now that would never go over because of the zoning laws.
Dad who didnt get along with his father didnt have anything to do with the business and got a job at the Glass factory becoming a glass blower, he worked their 43 years befor he went to work one day and they had shut down went out of business. Dad had to start all over with his life he was not old enough to collect social security and their was no pension plan, a long sad story another page down the line on that one.
Over the years Dorothy got in contact with her baby sisters parent's the couple who adopted her, dont ask me how she did that because I dont remember what she told me about it, but I do remember she did tell me how she went about it. And that the parents didnt want their daughter to know anything about her having other sisters and brothers. How Sad that was. A few years being divorced I think it was seven. Dad had a house built down the block from GrandPa's house he then married my Mom and together they had three children, Tom, Aletha and I. Dorothy and SaraJean came to live with us. We all lived in the house together even after Dorothy married Vince and Sara married John her first husband! long story, All of us lived and grew up in the same neighborhood, just blocks from the other sisters,half sisters and brothers half brothers to some, Aunt, Uncles we were all one big happy crazy group.growing up it was fun we even had a couple sets of cousins living in the neighborhood as well that we all connected with. We all would visit each other
hang out at each others house's it didnt matter who your Mother or Father was or wasen't.Or divorced to or wasen't divorced from.
So funny when I think back all the different connections we all had.
Thank You Boys Nice Arrangnments.
She would have been proud.
That's her Boys on the left Tim, Mike and Jim.
Grandson Nate and Two Nephew's Mike and Ralph on the right.
Oh and I forgot to mention. It would have been Dorothy and Vinces wedding Anniversary today another special occasion never to be forgotten.
There is a lot more to the story maby some day I will finish.
It was an Irish, Italian Send Off.
We All Loved it.
Go, Silent Friend
(tune,Danny Boy)
Go, silent friend, your life has found its ending;
To dust returns your weary mortal frame,
God, who before your birth called you into being,
Now calls you hence, his accent still the same.
Go, silent friend, you life in Christ is buried;
For you he lived and died and rose again.
Close by his side your promised place is waiting
Where, fully known, you shall with God remain.
Go, silent friend, forgive us if we grieved you;
Safe now in heaven, kindly say our name.
Your life touched us, that is why we mourn you;
Our lives without you cannot be the same
Go, silent friend, we do not grudge your glory;
Sing, sing with joy deep praises to your Lord.
You, who believed that Christ
Would come back for you,
Now celebrate that Jesus keeps his word.
Sorry for any mistakes I was in a hurry to get this out.