Icy Morning one of natures dangers, I am terrified of Ice my oldest sister broke her leg on the ice getting in her car on her drive way, my Mother broke her hip slipping on the ice in a grocery store parking lot, she went their to buy a gift card for one of my sisters for a Christmas gift, that was the beginning of her many problems after that. My favorite Aunt Rose who I was very close with fell and cracked her head and that caused the beginning of many problems for her. Almost forgot my Mother in Law broke her pelvis twice slipping on the ice on her drive way out to get her mail and paper. So when you read this you understand why Iam terrified of ICE. Today is garbage pick up and its Icy out their on the side walk and drive way you cant be to careful.. I will take one giant step out the side garage door to the grass first I will throw ice melt out their then drag the garbage over to the grass that is covered in snow hoping that will help and I wont be stepping on the ice. OMG the things we have to put up with living in the Mid West. Here is a cool photo not one of mine but my cousin sent it out that she took of Frozen Fog yes Frozen Fog I think its so cool and have never heard of Frozen Fog befor this year! we are having our usual January, Bitter Cold, Ice, Snow Wind all the fun things winter in the Mid West is all about. I am not a fan of January Iam seriously thinking of going some where else warmer next January my brother said we could come their but I dont want to impose for a whole month I am sure he thinks we really wont go any where LOL. That was nice of him to offer. Maby we will have him check into rentals for a month out their we will definitely think about it. Today is our book club and Bill and I have runny noses YUCK Oh happy day. On a happier note our Great Grand Daughter turned 6 yesterday she is our special little girl and we love her actually we love all our special Grand Children we are lucky we have a wonderful relation ship with our Daughter and family, the party is Sunday and I hope we are feeling a lot better with the runny noses by then. HUMMM what kind of recipe can I share today.
Here is a picture of Bills favorite meat loaf its really good and he always makes a lot so we can share.
I should have dressed up the plate, sorry but take my word its so good.
Bills Meat Loaf
1 LB Bob Evans country sausage
1 1/2 Lbs ground chuck
1 tesp dry mustard
1 tesp salt & fresh ground pepper
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
2 beaten eggs
1 can diced mild green chilies
3/4 cup chopped green onions
Cook onion in butter until lightly browned
combine all ingredients mix well.
Pat mixture into 9x5 loaf pan
Bake at 350 1 1/2 hours
Remove from oven pore off any grease
let stand a few minutes befor slicing, serves 8
Hugs From Me
That my sign, Its Cool!
I made meatloaf today, too! my boys love it so i make it very often in a variety of ways, sometimes using carrots or zucchini but next time I will try your recipe - I am sure they will love this version - it looks so pretty, too - thanks.