I cant believe where has the time gone:
I have 10 things going at once owning a women's Internet group has been keeping me so busy and of course the Christmas decorating, raking the leaves all over front sides and back GOSH and the normal laundry. I do laundry everyday of the week their is something wrong their is just the two of us where does all that laundry come from any way. LOL Oh and did I mention baking and dishes. Iam one busy lady...
Last night I went out with friends to a Christmas program at a church close to our area. My friend picked me up along with 2 other women from our church I never thought I would see the day when I did something like that. I remember my mother doing that for ever and would think Iam never going to do that although she had such a good time and always talked about what a fun thing belonging to a Ladies Church Group. who would have thought Me of all people the non church goer....
I had never been to that particular church and wanted to see what it looked like, it was very warm and cozy looking I liked the look. They had lots of ordure's and desserts their and If I would have know how many I wouldn't have eaten dinner be for going, they had so much you could have just chowed down on their goodies alone. Then after the eating was over we went into the church it self and listened to about 40 singer dressed in Christmas finery sing about 10 different Christmas Carole's. I looked around and thought this is what old retired people do and here I was old retired and having fun... After the entertainment we went back to their main dinning room and each picked a number and when our number was called we went up to the table and picked out a gift. fun fun Oh did I mention we all brought a grab bag gift. I also won the center piece and that was a plus it was a beautiful point setta so I went home loaded down.
We still have one Parakeet hanging around and hope fully nothing happened to our Blue because I havent seen him for a couple of days I did see a big red tail Hawk land on my deck so I know he's around looking to eat up our little feathered friends.
I made these fabulous cookies yesterday dont know why but dident take a picture what was I thinking LOL losing my touch.
I made a few changes to suit my taste and use up the reeses peanut butter cups I had from halloween. I chopped up the reeses about 6 and elimated half the chocolate chips.
Thats all from me CHOW for now.
Hugs Me
your blogs are so sweet and make me smile everytime I read them - do you know you can share them with all your facebook friends by clicking the SHARE on the top left of your blogg and sent it to either facebook or email or twitter. I share mine with facebook only for now. oh well - gotta go - busy one here too - xo
ReplyDeletedon't know if you received my earlier post, but you can share this blog - click SHARE top left and send to email, twitter and facebook. sometimes I have a hard time and have to do it a couple times but it goes into facebook eventually. I love your blog and it makes me smile everyday. thanks. xo
ReplyDeleteIam glad you enjoy reading it. I enjoy writing it. some days I get so busy with the group we own I dont get the chance to say anything. I try to keep it amusing and fun and a photo a day LOL so I go around looking for something to take a picture of LOL. Its fun.