Just in case you wondered.
I have been out there taking my photos often, way too often to post them all. Of course, today is Bills 4th birthday in heaven so I made this for him. 8/8/2017. I know I posted this blogg a few months ago but left this photo that I like added so here it is.

Looking out the front door just be for the area is covered with more snow.
May 5th is the fourth anniversary of Bill's death He died of acute mylar leukemia. I hate that word but don't know any way to describe it. I posted the photo above because he loved that lamp pole it didn't work when we moved out to Bourbonnais so he made it work that's the kind of guy he was, that's his mailbox he dug the hole and set it in. there are so many more things to say Bill was a Mr fix it. He was lucky he could fix anything He always said I can fix anything but a broken heart..
That's us way in the beginning of our journey together. I'm proud to say it lasted a total of 55 years
Bills ending went quick way to quick. I guess God had other plans for him..
I have many more and will add them later.
Hope to see you soon with stories and photos.
Peace and Love From Me
Diane Louise.
Looking out the back door on a snow filled backyard.
Enjoy Life
never take for granted your loved ones
it could be the last time you get to enjoy them.
I guess since Bill was famous for his cooking and creating amazing recipes in the kitchen here is one I will add more.