Have a Happy Healthy 2013
January is coming to a close this tag kind of fits the moment.
Especially since its cold 3 degrees and a bit snowy.
Our President Barack Obama was sworn in for a second term yesterday and I enjoyed watching it on the TV on and off in between doing this and that..
It was exciting probably because he is from Chicago and so am I.
I just like him and the first family.
I know some will think I'm liking him for all the wrong reasons.
That's OK I don't care.
Will here I am! up in the middle of the night doing laundry and checking out Blogs, and now typing into mine, I don't know why I cant even give a real reason.. Probably because Its winter and I hate it when you have to stay in and cant even go out on the deck in back or step out in front and admire your surroundings because its to cold to stay out there for to long with out wearing a coat.. OH well the joys of living in the Mid West in winter another month or two and we can step out with out the big old coat.. In the mean time we had a little snow fall during the night not a lot but enough to have to clear it off be for it turns to Ice for a month.
I did take a few pictures the past couple of weeks so here are a few that I feel like sharing. I know if I keep on typing blah blah blah you don't really care.. Hopefully you will enjoy the photos instead.
I just thought this was pretty yesterday morning.
The sun shining, the clear blue and the clouds below.
Sharing a photo Of!
The super delicious coconut cake our grand daughter Megan made.
It didn't last long it was amazing, We loved it.
We will celebrate Julies our great grand daughters birthday this weekend. we celebrated it last weekend just us. Her Mom grand mother and Aunt took her down town last week to celebrate it with a couple of her friends. Sunday they had a cake and sang with a few family for her birthday, this Saturday we will be celebrating it again when Steve and Liz come in for the day.
Amazing isn't it! she I'm sure also celebrated it with her father on Sunday as well.
What 9 year old celebrates her birthday 5 or 6 times.. One lucky girl if you ask me..
One thing about our family we like our birthday parties..
A little something I created this past week.
I took this photo and made a creation out of it,
one of the little things I like to do on the computer.
How about the beauty in the sky.
I love taking sky photos they are always so amazing.
The beauty in the sky.
The geese flying by, they just never cease to amaze me.
I love to watch them flying over the house.
They just chatter away, so cute..
This one I took last week
there were more but that's all I could fit in the shot.
Another pretty sky
I don't know where the farmer is taking his big equipment,
maby out in the fields or storage,
maby repairs because that's his truck to get back home connected to the back.
who knows! It is winter you know.
Sorry the photo is a bit blurry, he was moving pretty fast and I was kind of cramped in between the sofa and the wall trying to take this shot..
Yes that's the sky from the other morning, I added a Beatles verse to it, because I like it..
All photos taken by me, take your own you just might like it as much as I do..
Thanks for looking and I sure do hope you seen something you like.
Diane Louise